Appellate Printing | Freddie Salzberg Esq., President

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Hello and thanks for your interest in  Regal Legal Services.  Note that I no longer work @ Record Press, so do not try to contact me there. Going forward, you can get in touch with me here.

I am an attorney, duly admitted to practice (and in good standing) with New York State (specifically registered with The Appellate Division, First Department).  In 1988 I was duly admitted to the Southern and Eastern Federal Court Districts of the State of New York. Yet I haven’t “practiced law”​ since 1997. That is because I entered the “service side”​ of the legal profession, specifically in the niche field of “appellate printing”​. Having worked with top-tier appellate printing companies throughout my career in this business, I felt it was time for me to create my own company. Hence, Regal Legal Services was born.

Regal Legal Services is what I like to call a “broker firm”​, where my company acts as a “referral service”​. That is, I work with law firms, and solo practitioners, who have retained my services to ensure that they are placed into the hands of the best company to handle their appellate needs. My clients will have the option of which printer (whom I am affiliated with) they wish to work with.

Rest assured that at all times during the processing of your Appeal, or other legal needs, Regal Legal Services will give you its complete, undivided attention.  Should we ultimately establish a business relationship, please rest assured that Regal Legal Services will be involved with your Appeal (to any Court anywhere in the Country) to guarantee that it is handled to your complete satisfaction. I am and always will be available should you wish to contact me. If you do not reach me immediately, please leave a phone message or send me an e/mail, and I will respond ASAP.

By retaining the services of Regal Legal Services, as stated earlier, you will be referred to, and have the advantage of dealing with the companies I am associated with. Said advantage allows you access to the appellate printing firms’​ expertise and innovation in a variety of areas:

  • Electronic Case Filing
  • Preparation of Tables (Contents, Authorities)
  • Document review for the Record/Brief or Appendix, typesetting and binding
  • Subpoena service
  • E/Brief preparation
  • Searching for, and Calendaring important Court dates
  • Monitoring the Courts for appearance dates & Decisions
  • High-speed scanning and reproduction printing

All of my years in the legal appellate printing business (with top-tier appellate printers:  Appellate Innovations, PrintingHouse Press, and Record Press), has given me a working, up-to-date knowledge of the intricacies of the step-to-step process of:

  • What it takes to research the relevant Courts’ Rules and Regulations;
  • Reviewing the documents that are necessary to be part of the Record or Appendix On Appeal;
  • How to package the Appeal so that the respective Court accepts it for filing, free of defects;
  • Making sure that all documents for an Appeal get duly served and filed in a timely fashion, meeting all Courts’ deadlines;
  • Monitoring Courts’ Calendars for dates when the Appeal is to be argued or submitted;
  • And, in the end, Watching for a Decision of the Appeal filed and argued (or simply submitted).

I look forward to hearing from you; and I wish to thank the many attorneys, paralegals, and other legal staff members, that I have worked directly with for your faith in and support of Me and Regal Legal Services.

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